Springhill Senior Living Facility
Springhill is a Continuing Care Retirement Community for seniors 55 and better, located in the Great Lakes Region of Erie, Pennsylvania.
Boasting a beautiful 45 acre campus of landscaped hills and woodland, Springhill offers a variety of living options including independent living, personal care, skilled nursing and memory support. With their addition of the Garden Homes and Residential Living Facility in 2004, Springhill needed a full-scale wayfinding and regulatory exterior signage plan to provide total facility navigation.
Being the leading experts in comprehensive signage program planning, Howard Industries’ PRIME Sign Program was able to meet and exceed Springhills’ facility signage needs and expectations. Springhills’ exterior signage plan included primary and secondary identification signs, entrance-aware signs, directional signs and regulatory signs; the signage plan provided facility navigation while reinforcing brand awareness, as well as adorn Springhill’s manicured campus.