Citizens Bank
Founded in eastern Ohio in 1902, The Citizens Bank is state chartered, commercial banking organization which serves the banking needs of residents and small businesses of its southeastern Ohio region.
In 2008, The Citizens Bank began its plan to redesign its branding identity. They adopted a new logo and color theme and in turn, needed to replace their existing signage to reflect these modern changes.
The Citizens Bank enlisted Howard Industries PRIME Sign Program to conduct an exterior signage survey of their existing branches, as well as propose several signage design options using the new logo and color theme. The signage design the bank chose was a catalyst for Howard Industries PRIME Sign Program to engineer a new sign system extrusion: the HED I-10 – 12. This new sign system extrusion allowed easy maintenance access to the double radius sign frame. The Citizens Bank has updated a handful of bank branches and will continue to do so until all locations embody their new identity.